Is Adoption Consultants able to conduct my home study?

Adoption Consultants is licensed in Nebraska as an adoption home study agency. If you are a resident of Nebraska and you are adopting domestically, Adoption Consultants can conduct your home study. If you are adopting a child from a state outside of Nebraska, we can conduct your home study. We are able to conduct home studies for families adopting relatives. We do not conduct home studies for families wishing to adopt children from foster care. Nebraska law requires that a family have an approved home study prior to a child being placed with them for adoption.

What is a home study and what can we expect?

Go to “Home Studies” on this website for a detailed description of the home study process.

How long does a home study take to complete and how long does it stay current?

The average pre-placement adoption home study will take 8 to 10 weeks to complete. The length of time will vary due to background checks which are conducted by state or local agencies, a family’s availability to schedule appointments and return paperwork, and the home study worker’s caseload. A home study stays current for one year. The criminal and child abuse background checks conducted for the home study must be current within 12 months in order for the home study to be valid. Contact Adoption Consultants prior to your background checks expiring to schedule a home study update meeting with your worker. This meeting will take place in your home and there is a fee for the updated home study.

Will you release a copy of the home study to us, as well as our adoption attorney or placement agency?

Yes, we will provide the prospective adoptive family a copy of their home study as well as copies of supporting documents.